Sharing the Data

If getting there is half the fun, I ought to have quite a bit more joy left in my exploration of ‘How will we live tomorrow?’ Since completing the ‘data gathering’ phase of my adventure in December, and stowing my bike, Tom, in the basement for the long, cold New England winter, I’ve been figuring out how to share my experience with others. Since I often wonder if I’m the only American who emerged from the past two years with positive energy for a nation bent on divisiveness, I want to do my part in fostering balance and tolerance, maybe even acceptance and respect. I found plenty of it on my journey, and I want to spread it around.

Asking for something is not a sign of weakness, it is an invitation to connect. And so I am asking all of you to help me share ‘How will we live tomorrow?’ as it evolves from conversations in specific places to discussions that span time. To tell the stories of the folks I met on my bike to people who did not have that opportunity.

Here’s what’s brewing:

Speaking Engagements: I have delivered keynote addresses to conferences focused on sustainability, emergency protection, and healthcare. Upcoming talks will focus on water and technology. Do you know an organization that would like to hear a uniquely formed perspective on where we are going?

Performance: Somewhere in Alabama – a state I visited three separate times on my crazy route – I realized that a journey about conversation needed to be performed rather than read. This inspired me to write a two-act play that can be performed as a one-person or varied-cast show, complete with original songs, familiar standards, a dramatic accident at the end of Act One and levitation in Act Two. Angels in America channels Leonard Cohen on his way to The Wild Party. I’m hoping to find an innovative theater group or fellowship seeking to collaborate on this new and innovative theater piece.

The Book. At least once a week while I cycled, someone asked me about the book I was writing, as if the pen were the logical extension of the pedal. Riding the rails north from Jacksonville after my cycling was done, I could not envision how to cohere my anecdotal journey. The play required I boil a half million words worth of blog posts down to under 20,000. During that process, I discovered a narrative arc that makes sense, a hybrid of chronology and evolving themes. I have a 70,000-word manuscript ready to share with agents or publishers, though I may decide to simply put it out there myself.

Other Shares. I am also preparing a submission to The Moth, and a TED Talk and will consider submitting to any other forms of group sharing that people might suggest.

One thing remains consistent. While I enjoy writing and reliving my journey by shaping stories and images to various formats, I’m less savvy at promoting and placing my stuff. So, anyone out there who knows a hungry marketing-type or agent who wants to raise the visibility of tomorrow; please let me know.

Future of this blog. was created to document this particular project. I will add posts directly related to speaking engagements, the play, the book, and any other sharing formats. However, I will not be adding new original writing to this blog. If you would like to continue reading my essays on yoga, Haiti, architecture, and this wacky place we call the United States, please follow my personal blog,, which contains over 800 essays from the past six years and will contain any new essays. As always, will contain up-to-date schedules on all of my endeavors.

Thank you for coming along on the ride.

How will we live tomorrow? Asking questions, sharing, and caring for one another.

About paulefallon

Greetings reader. I am a writer, architect, cyclist and father from Cambridge, MA. My primary blog, is an archive of all my published writing. The title refers to a sequence of three yoga positions that increase focus and build strength by shifting the body’s center of gravity. The objective is balance without stability. My writing addresses opposing tension in our world, and my attempt to find balance through understanding that opposition. During 2015-2106 I am cycling through all 48 mainland United States and asking the question "How will we live tomorrow?" That journey is chronicled in a dedicated blog,, that includes personal writing related to my adventure as well as others' responses to my question. Thank you for visiting.
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6 Responses to Sharing the Data

  1. Gorman, Cleo says:

    Glad to see this, Paul!
    My thinking cap is on…….


  2. paulefallon says:

    Thanks Cleo – I enjoy spreading the word about my good experience. Hope all is well in Birmingham.It is still freezing cold here – why did I ever leave?


  3. David Gibson says:


    Wow. A very ambitious plan. But I expected nothing else. And I’m sure it will continue to evolve as you go.

    If you do find a theatre group that takes this on, please make sure the performance dates come out in this blog as far in advance as possible so I (and others) can try to come to participate.




  4. Paula says:

    Hi Paul,

    Great entry. Thank you. Reading it, I must admit these recent months I have wavered between optimism and fear as far as the future. My grandsons are a source of optimism as is life in general in Vermont (compared to the frenzied lifestyle of the Phoenix area). Also, there is an annual activity I help with that never fails to lift my spirits…”The Academic Decathlon.” I have interviewed teenagers for more than 20 years as part of this high school, year-long, educational experience. They are unfailingly impressive and have amazing attitudes.

    So, about your next mission of sharing your data. I can’t wait to see what you do. I’d love to hear you in person on this subject. I believe a book would be great because I Iove reading, but that process would delay getting your findings into hands/minds. We have a couple of organizations here in Vermont that are doing a wonderful job of bringing in excellent presenters. Below is how you might reach them. The Green Mountain Acadamy of Life-long Learning offers programs year-round. We have seen amazing speakers throughout this program. The last one of 2016 was Norman Lear…it was amazingly up-lifting. “First Wednesdays’” presentations hosted by Manchester Community Library and funded by the Vermomt Humanities Council and other underwriters is offered October – May. We attended the next to the last one of their current offerings last night. We attend almost every one of these while we are in VT and have enjoyed them very much. They bring in speakers on historical topics and other subjects as well. Biff particularly enjoys the historical subjects. We highly recommend both and consider ourselves lucky to live most of each year in a community that offers these types of educational experiences.

    Hope this helps. Another great thing about these two organizations is that they are here in Vermont. It would give you and Paul a chance to visit us. We have lots of room and would make you feel right at home.

    Our best to you.


    Paula Hoffman

    Green Mountain Acadamy of Life-long Learning

    Manchester Community Library

    138 Cemetery Ave PO Box 1105 Manchester VT 85255 802-362-2607


  5. Robert Botterio says:

    Hey Paul

    Good concepts of how you could use this experience. So proud. lets get together soon, You back from Chicago? xobob — Bob Botterio 617-697-4140



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