
HWWLT Logo on yellow“How Will We Live Tomorrow?” The answer might be simple as the next day’s schedule, a riff on where technology leads, or probing the fate of future generations. I am asking this open-ended question to a new person every day as I bicycle through the 48 contiguous United States during 2015 and 2016. The responses I receive are posted here. They offer a fresh, grounded perspective that both correlate and contradict the messages inundating us during this Presidential campaign season.

“How Will We Live Tomorrow?” also features stories from the road. I’m traveling by bicycle because it’s easier for people to open up to a guy on a bike; my alternative mode of transport will induce people to respond to my question in different, creative ways. Besides, I love riding my bike and absorbing America at ten miles per hour.

  • – Where should I go?
  • – What should I see?
  • – To whom should I ask my question?

How Will We Live Tomorrow? wants input from YOU. Give me ideas. Make suggestions in the comment section here or email me at fallonpaule@gmail.com.

Even better – answer my question yourself and submit it to fallonpaule@gmail.com. I will post every response, no matter how rosy or bleak, realistic or fantastic, mundane or utopian. Just meet these simple guidelines:

  • – Answer the question, “How Will We Live Tomorrow?” in 500 words or less.
  • – Provide up to three supporting images, audio or video clips.
  • – Substantiate all statistics and references with relevant hyperlinks.
  • – Respect other people and their opinions – no trolls, rants or insults.
  • – Include your real name. This will be posted with your response.
  • – Provide a line or two about you – location, age, occupation, passion.
  • – Provide contact information and tell me whether to post it with your response.

Glad to have you join the adventure.




2 Responses to About

  1. Peter Mulvey says:

    How will we live tomorrow? I think of this often. Steven Pinker’s amazing book, “The Better Angels of Our Nature” charts the decline in human violence over the past 800 years. His TED talk is a distiller version. It makes me incredibly hopeful.

    However, an ecological disaster would set us back. We can’t proceed toward peace and prosperity if we have stressed the planet to the breaking point.

    I think of the vast complexity of this, and then when I need to go to the grocery store or the hardware store or my parent’s side of town for lunch, I let these complexities in the background steer me away from the car key and toward the shed key. And in the shed, there’s my bike.


  2. Thanks again for reaching out to us on your way through Laramie, Paul!


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